Sunday, January 8, 2012

To work we go

So we hit the ground running. Saturday we started with work. Deliveries, rounding on maturnity, female ward, ICU, NICU. Sylvia scrubbed in on a c/section. The surgeon asked her how many she'd assisted. She said 4. So he handed her the knife and said "cut." I helped out in opd (out patient department) which is like a urgent care/ER. Challenge #1: I had had a translated her could barely understand my English and then translated the bengali the patients spoke to me. challenge #2: they didn't have a copy of the medicines they had there, and many of their medicines had different names or were different types. Challenge #3: diagnostic tests were even less available than at good Samaritan clinic. For instance I treated pid by just looking at the discharge and pelvic pain.
All and all we stayed busy! Keep praying. I can see their results.
The staff have been very welcoming and hospitable here. Several of the doctors have just arrived. So it makes it much easier than last year to make friends because every one is new, learning their way and their roles and in the same spot as us.
God bless ! :)
Oh! My greatest most wonderful moment yet was my morning run Saturday morning! :) It was the first time I had run in five days. It's been years since I've gone that long without running. The air was cool and fresh and it was exhilarating to be free and fly!!


  1. God bless you! Hola, Hermana
    Today we mention you on the service and praise God for the work you all are doing. Thank you for your great service to our LORD. Keep the good work remember Jesus and His plan of Salvation. Philippians 4:19
    Love in Christ

  2. Yay!! So glad you're there safely and that you got to run. :) Cannot wait to hear more about how it's going. Love you, Mother Theresa. And pass on the love to Sylvia!!

  3. Thanks for posting! We are praying!!

  4. I am so glad you both arrived safely. Give my regards to Dr. Vijay and Ann. My sister is there starting her Nursing. Her name is Nyamkai Konyak. Hope you have a very good time learning and working and impacting. God bless.
